August 2024 Product update

August 29, 2024
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Our recent product release includes new features and enhancements across our platforms to support and augment different components of a TrustTech solution:

Mobile Credentials

We are continuing to develop our Mobile Credentials capabilities, compliant with the ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 standard:

  • Our new native SDKs can be used to integrate Mobile Credentials holding and verification capabilities into applications developed in Swift and/or Kotlin.
  • Our white-label MATTR GO Verifier now supports in-person verification of Mobile Credentials.

Self Service Portal

Providing a simple interface to manage and oversee your tenants, the Self Service Portal now supports:

  • Configuring Custom domains to represent your brand and instill trust with your end-users.
  • Configuring Webhooks to integrate your existing workflows with MATTR VII events.


MATTR VII now offers public endpoints that enable consuming ecosystem policies. Relying parties can now embed ecosystem rules and trust marks into their own issuance and verification workflows.

Digital Wallets

Understanding the pivotal role of digital wallets in any digital high assurance journey, we have released a new version of our MATTR Showcase wallet. This new version introduces various usability and user experience improvements for seamless end user interactions.

Let's dive into each of these changes.

Enhanced support for Mobile Credentials

With growing global interest in implementations of mDLs (ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021) and mdocs (ISO/IEC TS 23220), we are continuing to enhance Mobile Credentials capabilities across our platforms.

MATTR Pi is our SDK platform, supporting the creation of bespoke experiences or extensions of existing applications. We have now introduced new native SDKs that enable integrating Mobile Credentials holding and verification capabilities into applications developed in Swift (for iOS devices) or Kotlin (for Android devices). This includes the following functionalities:

  • Swift and Kotlin Mobile Credential Holder SDKs:
    - Claim and store a Mobile Credential issued via an OID4VCI workflow.
    - Present a Mobile Credential for verification as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
  • Swift and Kotlin Mobile Credential Verifier SDKs:
    - Verify a presented Mobile Credential as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.

Check out the comprehensive SDK Docs for more information.

MATTR GO is our white-label platform. It helps customers to quickly leverage TrustTech capabilities and create branded digital apps and experiences. The MATTR GO Verifier now supports in person verification of mDLs and mdocs, checking the validity of the credential’s signature and information.

Refer to the GO Verifier product specification sheet and onboarding guide for more information.

New functionalities in the Self Service Portal

The Self Service Portal (SSP) is built on top of MATTR VII APIs and provides a graphic user interface to manage, configure and monitor tenants. Recent additions to the SSP functionalities include the following:


The OpenID4VCI specification is an open standard developed by the OpenID Foundation. It is implemented by various MATTR platforms and leverages the OpenID protocol to support verifiable credentials issuance and management. You can now use the Self Service Portal to configure an end-to-end MATTR VII OID4VCI workflow, which includes the following components:

  • Configure an optional Interaction hook to perform custom interactions with the user as part of the issuance workflow.
  • Configure an optional Claims source to fetch relevant claims from external data sources and use them in the issued credentials.
  • Create Credential configurations that define how the credential is branded, what claims are included and where these claims are mapped from.
  • Create Credential offers which can be shared with intended holders to initiate the issuance workflow. The SSP enables testing these offers before sharing them with intended holders, and format them in one of different available formats.

Custom Domains

MATTR VII tenants use a generic URL template by default (e.g. Custom domains enable users to interact with your MATTR VII tenant via a custom domain that represents your known brand.

You can now use the SSP to configure a custom domain for your tenant. This includes creating the basic custom domain configuration, as well as verifying domain ownership.


MATTR capabilities are commonly integrated with existing systems and workflows. To make this integration easier MATTR VII enables creating Webhooks, which can be triggered based on different events and provide configured subscribers with relevant event information. For example, this can be used to trigger an external workflow whenever a new credential is issued.

The SSP can now be used to create Webhooks for your tenant.

The Self Service Portal is available to selected cloud environments. Contact us if you're interested in accessing these features or learning more.

End-to-end Ecosystems infrastructure

Ecosystems are digital trust networks created by large enterprises or government organisations to exchange value among participants. Ecosystems can include numerous issuers, holders and verifiers interacting in multiple ways, making it hard to know what information and entities can be trusted, unless each network member maintains their own list of trusted sources.

Ecosystems are an optional component of the MATTR VII platform that enable defining policies regarding valid issuers, verifiers and credential types in a digital trust network. In an ecosystem, users only need to trust a single service provider, and delegate managing the trust network to them.

Once a trust framework is established, ecosystem operators must provide a way for relying parties to consume that trust and use it to guide internal workflows and procedures.  

MATTR VII now offers designated endpoints that enable relying parties to retrieve ecosystem policies. This policy enables a relying party to check whether an issuer/verifier is allowed to issue/verify a certain credential type in the ecosystem. They can then use this information to apply their own business logic.

Digital Wallets

Digital wallets enable users to store, manage and exchange verifiable credentials. They play a crucial role in the TrustTech authenticator life cycle as they support required authentication protocols while providing a seamless user experience to the holder. We offer a number of digital wallet solutions and are continuously striving to improve these tools.

MATTR Showcase Wallet

Our MATTR Showcase Wallet is built using the MATTR Pi Wallet SDK and showcases everything it has to offer. It's most recent release (v3.0.4) includes the following improvements:

  • Header & Footer enhancements to improve user experience.
  • Information request flow enhancements to reduce friction and improve overall experience.
  • Upgrade of supported React Native version to v0.72.

You can download the MATTR Showcase Wallet app on your iPhone using the App Store or Android using Google Play.


Our team is hard at work to bring you more new features and functionalities to support and augment your TrustTech solutions.

Watch this space for upcoming product updates and contact us to discuss how we can help support your unique use case.

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MATTR's TrustTech solutions gives governments and organizations the ability to unlock high assurance interactions and securely build trust. Get in touch to learn more or try it out for yourself.

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