Product update April 2024

April 23, 2024
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Product update - April 2024

In this month’s product release, we’re rolling out a series of features and updates across each of our core platforms:

  • The MATTR VII platform has been augmented with extended Ecosystem capabilities to support large trust networks, alongside a refined Self Service Portal and bolstered monitoring capabilities.
  • The MATTR Pi SDKs platform has been expanded to include native SDKs, facilitating the integration of Mobile Credentials capabilities into native iOS and Android applications.
  • Our white-label platform, MATTR GO, now has Mobile Credentials capabilities integrated both in the GO Wallet as well as the GO Verifier.

Continue reading to learn more about these new features and capabilities.


We've rolled out new features and enhancements within MATTR VII, enhancing our ecosystem operations capabilities, Self Service Portal, and platform analytics.

Leveraging Ecosystem policies for trust-based business logic

We're advancing our suite of Enhanced Ecosystems capabilities to support network operators in establishing and managing digital trust ecosystems. These Our ecosystem-layer capabilities frameworks introduce a new level of trust by defining who is allowed to do what in the context of the ecosystem, ensuring that making sure end-users can understand and are empowered to engage in secure and seamless digital interactions.

The foundation of ecosystem-layer trust begins with onboarding participants as members of the ecosystem. These entities can be issuers or verifiers of credentials, and sometimes both. Upon joining the ecosystem, participants are governed by policies that specify the types of credentials they can issue and/or verify.

In this update, We have introduced functionality for the consumption of these policies, which allows for the display of trust marks in the context of the wallet and other user-facing interactions. These marks signal the trust confidence level of any given interaction as it relates to ecosystem policies, facilitating the development of applications that can adapt their business logic based on the interaction context. For instance, applications can now:

  • Alert verifiers if a credential they're verifying was issued by an unrecognized issuer within the ecosystem.
  • Inform holders when a credential is requested by a verifier not authorized to verify that type of information.

This enhancement fosters helps support the creation management and health of a robust digital trust ecosystems - tailored to specific business needs and integrating seamlessly with various systems and technologies.

New features functionalities in the Self Service Portal

Our Self Service Portal (SSP) capabilities are continually refined, providing ecosystem operators with essential tools to manage their a digital trust ecosystem efficiently in a single place. We've recently expanded the portal's features to include new capabilities:

Create credential configurations:

This feature allows the creation of credential configurations, which are detailed sets of rules and parameters for issuing specific types of verifiable credentials. These configurations dictate the structure of the credential and its data content. Ecosystem operators can now craft credential configurations using the SSP for an array of Credential Profiles, including Web, Compact, and Mobile Credentials. The SSP facilitates this process with a user-friendly interface, offering advantages over direct API interactions, such as:

  • Credential preview to assess your branding settings.
  • Code samples and automatic linting for claim mappings.
  • Simple interface for uploading branding assets.

Interaction hooks:

Interaction hooks are custom components that the user can be redirected to as part of a credential issuance workflow. You can now use the SSP UI to easily configure your interaction hook.

Refined events logic for enhanced monitoring capabilities

To enable effective and privacy preserving monitoring, we have implemented new enhancements to our approach to platform analytic events and analytics:

  • Consistent structure: Our services now adhere to a uniform event structure pattern. This standardization facilitates the development of applications capable of consuming and processing these events efficiently.
  • Events sanitisation: Recognizing the importance of privacy and the protection of Personal Identifiable Information (PII), we offer two versions of our events. The comprehensive version contains all event details, whereas the sanitized version excludes all PII. This approach allows for adjustable detail levels in event monitoring to meet various privacy standards and regulations.
  • Client-specific Monitoring: Events can now be filtered and differentiated by the clientId parameter. This feature permits ecosystem operators to tailor their monitoring practices for distinct clients, enhancing the oversight of client interactions within their deployments.

These enhancements contribute to a more refined, secure, and privacy-conscious event strategy, facilitating seamless integration with current monitoring tools and technologies.


We’re excited to introduce brand-new SDKs that extend our platform capabilities to support additional languages and use cases.

Native Mobile Credentials Holder and Verifier SDKs

MATTR Pi streamlines the incorporation of TrustTech capabilities into accessible toolkits, enabling developers to design user-centric experiences. With our new native SDKs, you can integrate Mobile Credentials functionality for holders and verifiers into your existing applications or forge entirely new apps in your preferred language.

The SDKs align with the ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 standard which establishes an interoperable digital representation for mobile credentials such as mobile drivers' licenses (mDL). Beyond mDLs, our SDKs are versatile, supporting any mobile document compliant with the standard, also known as mDoc. Within the MATTR Product framework, this these are referred to as Mobile Credentials.

Two types of native SDKs are available – native iOS (written in Swift) and native Android (written in Kotlin). Both SDKs offer support for the following features:

Holder SDK:

  • Generate, store and manage access to Mobile Credentials issued to an application integrating the SDK
  • Generate, store and manage access to device keys which are bound to issued Mobile Credentials.
  • Manage a list of trusted issuer certificates which issued Mobile Credentials can be validated against.
  • Interface with a Mobile Credentials verifier and present an issued Mobile Credential inspection/verification as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
  • Interface with a Mobile Credentials issuer to obtain a Mobile Credential as per OpenID4VCI (OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance).

Verifier SDK:

  • Manage a list of trusted issuer certificates which presented Mobile Credentials can be validated against.
  • Interface with a Mobile Credential holder to request presentations of issued Mobile Credentials as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
  • Verify incoming presentations of Mobile Credentials to assess their validity.

For further details on accessing and utilising any of our SDKs, please consult our SDK Docs page. Comprehensive guidance and more in-depth information can be found in the dedicated SDKs documentation for the Native iOS Mobile Credentials Holder and Native iOS Mobile Credentials Verifier.


Building on the progress we’ve made in adding Mobile Credentials to MATTR Pi, we’re extending support for these capabilities across MATTR GO as well.

Mobile Credentials support across the MATTR GO platform

Mobile Credentials have been integrated into our MATTR GO white-label platform, including both the MATTR GO Wallet and the MATTR GO Verifier. This facilitates the rapid deployment of a digital trust ecosystem, providing immediate compatibility with the latest standard for high-assurance digital credentials.

This is achieved via the following capabilities:

MATTR GO Wallet:

  • Wallet users can claim and manage Mobile Credentials issued as per OpenID4VCI (OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance).
  • Wallet users can respond to Mobile Credentials presentation requests sent by verifiers via Bluetooth connection.

MATTR GO Verifier:

  • Verifier users can interface with Mobile Credentials holders via Bluetooth connection to request presentations of issued Mobile Credentials as per ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021.
  • Verifiers can verify incoming presentations of Mobile Credentials to assess their validity.

Refer to our MATTR GO Wallet and MATTR GO Verifier on-boarding guides for more information on getting started with MATTR GO.

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MATTR's TrustTech solutions gives governments and organizations the ability to unlock high assurance interactions and securely build trust. Get in touch to learn more or try it out for yourself.

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