Ready, set, GO

July 28, 2023
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We’re working with customers from around the world to bring their verifiable credentials use cases to life. In doing so, we’ve learnt a lot about the important role digital apps play in creating great user experiences.

Whilst some customers want to integrate MATTR capabilities into existing app and channel experiences, others have been telling us they would like out of the box solutions to help them to get started and scale, bringing control, trust and convenience to issuers, holders and verifiers.

To help customers get started and scale quickly, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of MATTR GO, our white-label apps platform. Customers can benefit from both MATTR’s technology and design expertise with all the features of our MATTR Pi experiences in apps, portals and more that can be customised with their own branding, colours and typography and more.

The MATTR GO Wallet is available today, with other white-label solutions on the roadmap.

On your marks, get set… MATTR GO!

From pilot projects to production use cases, our customers have been asking for quick and simple ways to launch verifiable credential solutions to their end users.

MATTR GO meets these needs by helping customers setup and deploy apps featuring their own trusted brands – all based on solid technical capabilities and a UI designed by experts in the field.

The name MATTR GO speaks to how easy we're making it for customers to get up and going with digital trust. More than a platform with custom branding capabilities, it is an affordable head start for clients that will ensure they’re ready to go immediately: no code required.

The benefits of choosing a MATTR GO solution for digital trust experiences include:

  • Get started quickly: Reduce time to market with ready-made apps that can have assets dropped in, rebundled and distributed directly to users.
  • Leverage existing trust: Utilise the logos, iconography, colours and other visual assets from your brand that users already know and trust.
  • Seamless set-up: The MATTR GO white-label solutions come with step-by-step guides, pre-set templates and bundling assistance to get you off on the right foot.
  • Keep development costs low: Standing up an app from scratch and maintaining it can be a costly and complicated undertaking. MATTR GO solutions take care of that effort for a fraction of the price of a bespoke build.
  • Utilise state-of-the art features: Built on MATTR Pi, our white-label solutions bake in our expertise on cryptography, verifiable credentials, user experience and more. Our White-label apps can ensure that any solution is secure, consent-driven and delightful to use.
  • Create an app for multiple use cases: MATTR GO solutions can be applied across multiple industries and use cases with verifiable credentials. Our MATTR Labs team work directly with customers to ensure the solution reflects their business rules.
  • Ensure interoperability: Just like our other MATTR platforms, MATTR GO is built on open standards and designed to work with the latest technologies.
  • Bundle for complete infrastructure and extensibility: Use MATTR GO in conjunction with the MATTR VII platform to get started with a fully functional verifiable credential ecosystem and seamlessly transition to MATTR Pi SDKs and toolkits if you’re ready to stand up your own custom apps and experiences.

The MATTR GO Wallet: Experience built in

Today, alongside our white-label platform brand, we are launching the first product in our MATTR GO suite, the MATTR GO Wallet. This wallet wraps all the technical and user experience expertise of our MATTR Pi Wallet Toolkit in a white-labelled, custom-branded option with no coding required.

Digital wallets are an essential part of a digital trust ecosystem, allowing users to hold and store verifiable credentials. We’re seeing a paradigm shift in the way individuals and organisations want and need to manage and control their online identity and personal data. Wallets unlock solutions for this, and it’s clear the importance of secure and easy-to-use wallets will continue to grow.

Whilst working alongside customers, we’ve seen a need emerge for a wallet that is not only technically robust but also user-centred. Usability and convenience is crucial to the adoption of emerging digital identity technologies, and we’re making sure experience considerations are at the heart of MATTR products, including the MATTR GO Wallet.

Backed by user and customer research, a few elements that we’ve included in the MATTR GO Wallet UX include:

  • Leveraging MATTR VII, issuers can create credential displays with logos, colours and watermarks to mimic physical cards. Research has shown that users are more likely to trust and adopt novel digital elements, like credentials, that look like the cards and documents they are already familiar with from the physical world.
  • A visual-first approach with clear signposting and iconography to represent interactions and consent-driven information sharing.
  • A simple and accessible onboarding flow to introduce users to the concepts of an digital identity wallet and how they can benefit from the features.
  • An interactive activity tab that makes it easy to see when and where credentials have been collected and shared and what interactions need attention.
  • A commitment to accessibility. Our goal is to make all MATTR wallet experiences, including the MATTR GO Wallet as accessible as possible for people of all abilities. We use the industry standard Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), developed by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative.

An application that looks like you

The MATTR GO Wallet provides a great features, wrapped in a skin that looks and feels like your brand, a brand your users already know and trust. You can customise:

  • Colours throughout the wallet user interface.
  • Name and logo of the wallet, including how it is listed in app stores.
  • Fonts and type styling.
  • Option to localise in-app copy and languages to suit your users.
  • Static and animated illustrations and iconography.
  • Control over component style, space and size, including buttons and cards.

When you choose a MATTR GO Wallet, you’ll have access to our easy-to use guides and templates. Our design experts will work with you to bundle your assets to reskin the wallet, so it is ready to be distributed directly to your users quickly.

Start small or transform a whole industry with MATTR’s technology expertise and support at your fingertips.

In conjunction with our MATTR VII verifiable credentials platform, MATTR GO takes all the complexity out of setting up your wallet and keeping up with the latest in wallet technology for a truly state-of-the-art digital trust ecosystem.

MATTR products run on open standards with interoperability at their core. With technology and regulations ever evolving in this space, MATTR is your trusted partner for ensuring your verifiable credential solutions are secure, privacy-preserving and scalable. MATTR’s white-label wallet makes sure you are ready to GO with a complete solution that lets your users and stakeholders see value quickly.

Benefit from the MATTR GO solution today.

If you’re looking for a wallet that can leverage the innate trust associated with your brand and get you going quickly with no code required, then a white-label wallet could be the perfect solution for you.

Contact us today to discuss how a white-label app or the MATTR GO Wallet can work for you.

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MATTR's TrustTech solutions gives governments and organizations the ability to unlock high assurance interactions and securely build trust. Get in touch to learn more or try it out for yourself.

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